
Differences between version 2 and previous revision of TOS.

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Newer page: version 2 Last edited on Sunday, March 7, 2004 3:19:39 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 1 Last edited on Sunday, March 7, 2004 2:55:21 am by PerryLorier Revert
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-[Acronym] for __T__ype __O__f __S__ervice.  
-These are the bits in the beginning of the [IP] header which try and say how you want this packet treated, you can specify things like this is a packet that prefers lower delay over speed, or prefers reliability over anything else, or is carrying some low priority mail like mail.  
- In practise they were never used, and so they got replaced with DiffServ a while ago, which also isn't used, but hey, at least it's new hip and trendy
+An [Acronym] with multiple meanings:  
+;; __T__erms __O__f __S__ervice : AddToMe (stuff for lawyers basically)  
+;; %%% __T__ype __O__f __S__ervice : A few bits at the beginning of an [IP] header specifying how it should be treated (needs LowLatency , needs reliability over anything else, carries low priority bulk traffic like mail or file transfers, etc) . In practice they were never used, and so they got replaced with ! DiffServ a while ago ( which also isn't used, but hey, at least it's hip)