
Differences between version 29 and revision by previous author of StuartYeates.

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Newer page: version 29 Last edited on Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:23:11 am by StuartYeates Revert
Older page: version 25 Last edited on Friday, February 18, 2005 11:47:14 am by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
 <?plugin WlugMember?> 
+Stuart Yeates contributes to wikis as part of his work for [OSSWatch], releasing his contributions (which are actually copyright his employer) under the various creative commons licences, in this case the WlugWikiLicense.  
+<?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement hide=1 ?>  
 Stuart Yeates: a [PhD] student at the WaikatoUniversity. 
 [Nick]: snail on [#wlug] and a WikiGnome. 
 Maintainer of [Google]'s #1 for ''Stuart Yeates'' and for ''Text Mining'' 
 Works on a [JSP] application which compiles out-of-the-box on [Windows], [Linux] and [BSD] platforms. 
 I have just started a job at OxfordUniversity, doing digital library / portal stuff and working for [OSSWatch]. My email at ComputerScience WaikatoUniversity should remain active. My email on the [WLUG] server is ''syeates''. I won't give the full email addresses since I already get enough [Spam], but you should be able to work it out. 
-I have not not finished my [PhD], but I've got a full draft and have suspended my enrollment until I get set up over here. I have maybe 2-3 months work left on it. Technically I'm not meant to be doing any work on my PhD while my enrollment is suspended
+I have submitted my [PhD] and am waiting for it to be marked so I can return for my oral