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An extract of my CV follows. For details visit my homepage:
- CV - with Reference
- Get Information Technology GmbH, Grevenbroich
- 2002-2003 I planned and realized several projects. Those were
Network administration
- Planning and realization of the local heterogenous network.
- Setting up and administration of the SuSE Email Server 3.1
- Setting up a CVS based version control system for their internal engineers
- ...
- Integrating Microsoft Project into the GET Caesar IT-Controlling and Project Planning Software using the Component Object Model.
- Performance Analysis and Optimization for a Java Application.
- ...
Technical Documentation
- Writing user manuals for software products (english/german versions)
- Planning and installing a local Knowledge Database system for engineering
- ...
- Developing new products and product ideas for the GET IT portfolio.
Aachener Beschäftigungsinitiative AG, Aachen
2002 I planned, realized and held special trainings for former ELSA workers. These trainings were optimized for workers with high technical skills.
- Trainings were held for
- C Programming language
- Basic concepts of networking, using TCP/IP
- Basics for preparing and holding speeches and technical presentations
ELSA AG, Aachen
Between 2000 - 2002 I was a Software Engineer for ELSA AG - Research and Technology Department.
- During this period I was mainly responsible for
- Designing and developing applications for Microsft Windows using MFC and the Component Object Model
- Designing and developing kernelmode device drivers for Windows NT/2000
- Designing and developing an embedded bluetooth based car-handsfree for Bluetooth mobilephones (ELSA vianect handsfree)
- Designing and developing production testsoftware
- Prototype development of a Call-Center-Headset and Call-Center-BaseStation based on Bluetooth technology using the Casira Development Kit.
From 1997-2000 I was a member of the software engineering team of ELSA AG
- During this time I was responsible for
- Planning, realizing and maintaining the display driver setup for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Microsoft 2000 high-end display drivers.
- Programming drivers for graphicboards, consisting of miniport and display drivers, for several versions of Microsoft Windows NT/2000, using C programming language and x86 Assembler.
- Programming the above drivers for
- S3 Virge
e.g. ELSA Winner 2000pro
- 3DLabs GLint, Permedia
e.g. ELSA Gloria XL, ELSA Gloria Synergy
- nVidia TNT, TNT2, GeForce and Quadro
e.g. ELSA Synergy II, ELSA Gloria II
based adapters.
Interactive Multimedia, Dortmund
During 1996/1997 I was responsible for designing and developing a multimedia encyclopaedia browser prototype based on the Microsoft Multimedia Viewer and the MediaView? Toolkit 1.4.1.(proof of concept) and presented this in conjunction with a city-online System at the CeBIT 1997 on the Dr. Materna Booth.