Annotated edit history of Squid version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 AristotlePagaltzis 1 [Squid |] is...
1 CraigBox 2
3 * a full-featured WorldWideWeb proxy cache
4 AristotlePagaltzis 4 * designed to run on [Unix] systems
5 AristotlePagaltzis 5 * [Free], OpenSource software
1 CraigBox 6 * the result of many contributions by unpaid (and paid) volunteers
8 Squid supports...
10 * proxying and caching of [HTTP], [FTP], and other [URL]'s
11 * proxying for [SSL]
12 * cache hierarchies
3 CraigBox 13 * [ICP], HTCP, CARP, Cache Digests
1 CraigBox 14 * transparent caching
15 * [WCCP] (Squid v2.3 and above)
16 * extensive access controls
6 MarcusKool 17 * filtering of undesired web content with [ufdbGuard] (fastest) or [SquidGuard].
1 CraigBox 18 * [HTTP] server acceleration
19 * [SNMP]
20 * caching of [DNS] lookups
3 CraigBox 22 See SquidNotes.

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 3 times)