Annotated edit history of Spam version 13, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
13 MattBrown 1 Otherwise known as Unsolicited Commercial [Email] (less frequently, unsolicited commercial postings to newsgroups, weblog comment forms, and even wikis). Pretty much anything you get [Email]led against your will. This is a bad habit and should stop.
7 MattBrown 2
12 AristotlePagaltzis 3 NewZealand is currently considering LegislatingAgainstSpam. [WLUG] is considering putting in a submission based on the discussion on that page.
1 CraigBox 4
12 AristotlePagaltzis 5 Some things that are related to [Spam]:
1 CraigBox 6
7 <?plugin BackLinks page=CategoryAntiSpam noheader=1 ?>
10 DanielLawson 8
1 CraigBox 9 Things that aren't really related to spam:
5 CraigBox 10 * [SPAM]
2 CraigBox 11 * MontyPythonsFlyingCircus

PHP Warning

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