Blame: SimpleDirectMediaLayer
Annotated edit history of SimpleDirectMediaLayer version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 WikiAdmin 1 A cross-platform [DirectX] replacement.
1 WikiAdmin 2
6 CraigBox 3 Created by Loki Games in their efforts to port various MicrosoftWindows games to the Linux world. Though Loki Games have closed/gone into liquidation, their legacy lives on through their excellent library: SimpleDirectMediaLayer or SDL.
4 SamJansen 4
5 WikiAdmin 5 SDL was used to port various MicrosoftWindows games to Linux such as Civilization: Call To Power, Descent3 and others. It is OpenSource (LGPL) and now works on many platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS(X), BeOS ...
4 SamJansen 6
7 The base library plus add-ons provide services such as threads, sound, timers, endian independance, image loading, etc. etc. The library is written in C.
9 SDL can be found at []
1 WikiAdmin 10
2 WikiAdmin 11 See the [SDLManPages].