Annotated edit history of SimonSmith version 1 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 SimonSmith 1 SimonSmith is a non-Waikato Linux user... but he used to live in Hamilton and that's gotta count for something.
3 Hmm, I can't really think of anything interesting to say here... so perhaps some random facts might be appropriate:
4 * RedHat fan... but thinking of changing this in the near future to a new and exciting/bug ridden distro.
5 * Used to study at WaikatoUniversity... well, I used to enrol at Waikato... the study thing never seemed to work out.
6 * Honestly... I can talk about myself for hours but when it comes time to type all those stories about how I once fell off my bike when I got my toe stuck in the chainguard just don't seem quite as exciting as they usually do.
The following authors of this page have not agreed to the WlugWikiLicense. As such copyright to all content on this page is retained by the original authors. The following authors of this page have agreed to the WlugWikiLicense.

    lib/plugin/WlugLicense.php (In template 'html'):99: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

    lib/plugin/WlugLicense.php (In template 'html'):111: Notice: Undefined variable: ignore_authors

    lib/plugin/WlugLicense.php (In template 'html'):111: Warning: in_array() [<a href=''></a>]: Wrong datatype for second argument