Blame: ShellBuiltinNotes
Annotated edit history of ShellBuiltinNotes version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 IanMcDonald 1 In Unix, a shell builtin is a command or a function, called from a [Shell], that is executed directly in the shell itself, instead of an external executable program which the shell would load and execute.
1 BenStaz 2
3 !How can I tell if the command I am using is a shell builtin rather than an external program?
5 *type <command_name>
7 <verbatim>
2 BenStaz 8 $ type cd
1 BenStaz 9 cd is a shell builtin
2 BenStaz 11 $ type mkdir
1 BenStaz 12 mkdir is /bin/mkdir
13 </verbatim>
2 BenStaz 14
15 !But I want to use an external program rather than a shell-builtin.
17 If a command specified to the shell contains a slash ''/'', the shell will not execute a builtin command. Thus, while specifying ''echo'' causes a builtin command to be executed under shells that support the builtin echo command, specifying ''/bin/echo'' does not.
19 !Why can I not use ''sudo <shell_builtin>'' ?
4 BenStaz 21 A shell builtin is not an executable file so sudo does not know about it. (obviously wont be found in any dirs in sudo's PATH).
3 BenStaz 22 You will need to use the command ''sudo -s'' to get a new shell with root privileges or alternatively you can do ''sudo bash -c "<shell_builtin>" ~[args~]''.