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Newer page: version 31 Last edited on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:13:41 am by PeterHewett Revert
Older page: version 28 Last edited on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:31:51 pm by PeterHewett Revert
@@ -15,27 +15,26 @@
 These distributions are at the forefront of combining useful, full featured [Unix] power with an excellent desktop experience. You can use the desktop without any [Linux] knowledge (these distros have configuration tools for almost everything), or you can do everything from [Shell]. They are all very well supported and all use a packaging system (such as [RPM] or apt) to make software installation easier. These distros provide both [KDE] and [GNOME] as well as some other window managers. 
 Due to legal uncertainties in some countries, these distros don't include some utilities, such as to read encoded DVDs and to make mp3 files. These utilities are available from community sites. 
- If you are at all familiar with [Debian], start here. Ubuntu is a Debian derivative founded by a rich philanthropist, which releases stable releases every 6 months designed to be an up to date desktop system. Default desktop is [GNOME], though you can download 'Kubuntu' if you want. Package management with [apt | APT]. 
+ If you are at all familiar with [Debian], start here. Ubuntu is a Debian derivative founded by a rich philanthropist, which releases stable releases every 6 months designed to be an up to date desktop system. Default desktop is [GNOME] only , you will need to download sister distro 'Kubuntu' if you want to try [KDE] . Package management with [apt | APT]. 
- Until recently called [Mandrake], a good for beginners and serious users, focuses on the latest applications and features. Default desktop is [KDE] and package management with [urpmi] (a development of [RPM]). 
+ Until recently called [Mandrake], a good for beginners and serious users, focuses on the latest applications and features. Default desktop is [KDE], but it comes with [GNOME], [Enlightenment ] and other WindowManager. Package management with [urpmi] (a development of [RPM]). 
  If you are at all familiar with [RedHatLinux], start here. Fedora used to be RedHatLinux and was spun off when RedHat moved to focus more on enterprise customers. Default desktop is [GNOME] with [RPM] package manager. 
  SUSE (as it's currently capitilised) is a very european distro, popular in Europe but used worldwide. Recently (2003ish) Novell purchased SuSE and is marketing and supporting it as a business desktop/server system. Default desktop is [KDE] and package management is YaST (Yet Another Setup Tool). 
 [Xandros |]: 
  Previously Corel Linux. A Debian based distribution. Commercial, but there's an [open circulation |] edition that's crippled. [KDE] only, no [GNOME]. 
-Which one should you pick? If you don't know where to start, get the one that is used by your friends or at your local LUG. Best approach is to try a few and choose for yourself what you prefer. As of June 2005, we really think you should look at Ubuntu. It is that good. If you end up not liking Ubuntu (heaven forbid! ), have a look at [Mandriva]. Europeans might prefer [Suse], but it's never been very big in NewZealand. 
+Which one should you pick? If you don't know where to start, get the one that is used by your friends or at your local LUG. Best approach is to try a few and choose for yourself what you prefer. As of June 2005, we really think you should look at Ubuntu. It is that good. If you would like to try out the different WindowManager~s (such as [GNOME], [KDE], [Enlightenment], etc ), have a look at [Mandriva]. Europeans might prefer [Suse], but it's never been very big in NewZealand. 
 !! Appliance style user 
-You're going to install it and walk away. The user (maybe you, maybe your folks or grandparents) knows nothing about computers and will not be changing any system settings and doing nothing more than surfing the 'net, sending email, and maybe light office tasks (word processing, etc). You could look at something designed for this exact task. The following LinuxDistribution~s exist only to pretend they are MicrosoftWindows. Please note that __almost no-one in [WLUG ] runs any of these distributions__. Choice is a double edged sword , but if you feel the user's needs may be better met , these are all still [Linux ] too
+You're going to install it and walk away. The user (maybe you, maybe your folks or grandparents) knows nothing about computers and will not be changing any system settings and doing nothing more than surfing the 'net, sending email, and maybe light office tasks (word processing, etc). The main distros ( [Ubuntu ], [Mandriva], FedoraCore , [Suse ], etc) are good for this, and might be the best choice if you are already familiar with one of these
-[Ubuntu ]:  
- As above, Ubuntu is great for this purpose too. 
+Or you could look at something designed for this exact task. The following LinuxDistribution~s exist only to pretend they are MicrosoftWindows. Please note that __almost no-one in [WLUG ] runs any of these distributions__. Choice is a double edged sword, but if you feel the user's needs may be better met, these are all still [Linux] too. 
 [Lycoris Desktop/LX |]: 
  Previously known as Redmond Linux (to emphasize it's Windows-clone-ness), this has grown into a reasonable desktop distribution. It has a unbelieavably smooth install and sets itself up looking almost exactly like [Windows], so users coming from it should have __no__ problem whatsoever. Like many other distros, it has an auto-update feature that will upgrade the software for you without any major issues. However, as it is mainly for offices and new users, Lycoris locks the system down very tight. Root is hidden (and in fact never mentioned -- you set up an "administrative password" for system maintenance) and some files are in unusual places. For a hard-core customizer, this distro would be incredibly frustrating... about as frustrating to the customizer as it is helpful and friendly to newbies. It's freely downloadable (mind the difference between and .org.) 