
A very productive session; much was learned by all, including myself! I've also discussed the workshops with Sue and she's quite happy for us to continue hosting them. We will probably put out a donation jar at future workshops to cover snacks and coffee.

I did sort-of put Bill on the wrong track, he wanted an easy way of setting up NAT and I suggested guidedog/guarddog which I think are the KDE tools. I've since played with firestarter and it is much easier to use.

The Saturday after our Monday meeting BruceKingsbury will be holding a 'Saturday Workshop' where you can bring your machine along and we'll try to resolve any problems you might have.

  Date: May 27
  Time: 11am - 4pm
  Location: 23 Oxford St

Facilities available;

256k internet (cat5 or wifi), phone line, Broadcast TV for myth, ISO's of ubuntu and kubuntu, spare power leads, tables, BBQ