Annotated edit history of SamJansen version 39 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
38 SamJansen 1 SamJansen. [Me |]. Member of the [WandGroup]. ex-PhD student (TCP simulation). Network researcher. Software engineer. Moved to the UK for a couple of years (worked for Intel Research and Barclays Capital). Then moved to California to work for Google.
32 SamJansen 2
3 A favourite quotation of mine about [C++] is: ''I think I've finally decided to stop worrying and love [C++]: like democracy, it's terrible but the alternatives are much worse.'' -- [Thatcher Ulrich |]
38 SamJansen 5 I graduated WaikatoUniversity in 2004 after finishing my 4 year [BCMS] at the end of 2003. I obtained first class honours and won the Ramanujan Prize. Apparently the stream of my BCMS was "Artificial Intelligence", but that means nothing. Have finally submitted my PhD and now I can sit back and wait for it to be marked.
32 SamJansen 6
37 SamJansen 7 Something I can't stress enough: If you happen to be writing a C/C++ application on Linux:
8 ! Use [Valgrind] for debugging. It is brilliant.
32 SamJansen 9
10 -----
12 Deserves kudos for being the only non-GianPerrone to mention [PASL] on a Wiki page.
35 SamJansen 14 ----
36 MattBrown 15 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
35 SamJansen 16 ----
39 IanMcDonald 18 CategoryHomePage CategoryExPatWlugMembers

PHP Warning

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