Annotated edit history of SRV version 1, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 LawrenceDoliveiro 1 SRV is a type of ResourceRecord which tries to get away from the traditional requirement in TCP/IP that every new application protocol needs its own fixed port number for clients to connect to. Since the [DNS] is good for looking up names, an SRV record defines a name for the service (which is easier for users to remember than a number, anyway), and equates that to a domain name and port number to which the client should connect. This way the service can run on any available port number; multiple services of the same type can run on the same machine (just using different ports); and a service can be moved from one machine to another, and provided the SRV record is suitably updated, users need never be the wiser.
3 Of course, all these capabilities were being offered by AppleTalk networking about two decades ago.
5 SRV records are defined in [RFC2782|].
7 CategoryDns