Annotated edit history of SRG version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
6 AristotlePagaltzis 1 An [Acronym] for __S__quid __R__eport __G__enerator
3 PerryLorier 2
6 AristotlePagaltzis 3 [SRG|] is a program that generates [HTML] reports from your [Squid] log files. Originally written to replace SARG which [CRCnet] found limiting, and difficult to modify. SRG supports many extra features on top of SARG. Currently maintained by MattBrown of the [WAND] research group for [CRCnet].
5 ! Features
4 MattBrown 6
7 * PHP output
8 * Hooks to allow you to control access to portions of the report
9 * Fast
10 * Reports right down to the individual pages visited

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 3 times)