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The SimpleDirectMediaLayer (SDL) has a bunch of manual pages that are in this wiki but didn't get caught by the script that indexes man pages. So.. here they all are! ([RegularExpression]s are my NewBestFriend) SDLKey(3) %%% SDL_ActiveEvent(3) %%% SDL_AddTimer(3) %%% SDL_AudioCVT(3) %%% SDL_AudioSpec(3) %%% SDL_BlitSurface(3) %%% SDL_BuildAudioCVT(3) %%% SDL_CD(3) %%% SDL_CDClose(3) %%% SDL_CDEject(3) %%% SDL_CDName(3) %%% SDL_CDNumDrives(3) %%% SDL_CDOpen(3) %%% SDL_CDPause(3) %%% SDL_CDPlay(3) %%% SDL_CDPlayTracks(3) %%% SDL_CDResume(3) %%% SDL_CDStatus(3) %%% SDL_CDStop(3) %%% SDL_CDtrack(3) %%% SDL_CloseAudio(3) %%% SDL_Color(3) %%% SDL_CondBroadcast(3) %%% SDL_CondSignal(3) %%% SDL_CondWait(3) %%% SDL_CondWaitTimeout(3) %%% SDL_ConvertAudio(3) %%% SDL_ConvertSurface(3) %%% SDL_CreateCond(3) %%% SDL_CreateCursor(3) %%% SDL_CreateMutex(3) %%% SDL_CreateRGBSurface(3) %%% SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(3) %%% SDL_CreateSemaphore(3) %%% SDL_CreateThread(3) %%% SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(3) %%% SDL_Delay(3) %%% SDL_DestroyCond(3) %%% SDL_DestroyMutex(3) %%% SDL_DestroySemaphore(3) %%% SDL_DisplayFormat(3) %%% SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(3) %%% SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(3) %%% SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(3) %%% SDL_EnableUNICODE(3) %%% SDL_Event(3) %%% SDL_EventState(3) %%% SDL_FillRect(3) %%% SDL_Flip(3) %%% SDL_FreeCursor(3) %%% SDL_FreeSurface(3) %%% SDL_FreeWAV(3) %%% SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(3) %%% SDL_GL_GetAttribute(3) %%% SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(3) %%% SDL_GL_LoadLibrary(3) %%% SDL_GL_SetAttribute(3) %%% SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(3) %%% SDL_GLattr(3) %%% SDL_GetAppState(3) %%% SDL_GetAudioStatus(3) %%% SDL_GetCursor(3) %%% SDL_GetGamma(3) %%% SDL_GetGammaRamp(3) %%% SDL_GetKeyName(3) %%% SDL_GetKeyState(3) %%% SDL_GetModState(3) %%% SDL_GetMouseState(3) %%% SDL_GetRGB(3) %%% SDL_GetRGBA(3) %%% SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(3) %%% SDL_GetThreadID(3) %%% SDL_GetTicks(3) %%% SDL_GetVideoInfo(3) %%% SDL_GetVideoSurface(3) %%% SDL_Init(3) %%% SDL_InitSubSystem(3) %%% SDL_JoyAxisEvent(3) %%% SDL_JoyBallEvent(3) %%% SDL_JoyButtonEvent(3) %%% SDL_JoyHatEvent(3) %%% SDL_JoystickClose(3) %%% SDL_JoystickEventState(3) %%% SDL_JoystickGetAxis(3) %%% SDL_JoystickGetBall(3) %%% SDL_JoystickGetButton(3) %%% SDL_JoystickGetHat(3) %%% SDL_JoystickIndex(3) %%% SDL_JoystickName(3) %%% SDL_JoystickNumAxes(3) %%% SDL_JoystickNumBalls(3) %%% SDL_JoystickNumButtons(3) %%% SDL_JoystickNumHats(3) %%% SDL_JoystickOpen(3) %%% SDL_JoystickOpened(3) %%% SDL_JoystickUpdate(3) %%% SDL_KeyboardEvent(3) %%% SDL_KillThread(3) %%% SDL_ListModes(3) %%% SDL_LoadBMP(3) %%% SDL_LoadWAV(3) %%% SDL_LockAudio(3) %%% SDL_LockSurface(3) %%% SDL_LockYUVOverlay(3) %%% SDL_MapRGB(3) %%% SDL_MapRGBA(3) %%% SDL_MixAudio(3) %%% SDL_MouseButtonEvent(3) %%% SDL_MouseMotionEvent(3) %%% SDL_NumJoysticks(3) %%% SDL_OpenAudio(3) %%% SDL_Overlay(3) %%% SDL_Palette(3) %%% SDL_PauseAudio(3) %%% SDL_PeepEvents(3) %%% SDL_PixelFormat(3) %%% SDL_PollEvent(3) %%% SDL_PumpEvents(3) %%% SDL_PushEvent(3) %%% SDL_Quit(3) %%% SDL_QuitEvent(3) %%% SDL_QuitSubSystem(3) %%% SDL_Rect(3) %%% SDL_RemoveTimer(3) %%% SDL_ResizeEvent(3) %%% SDL_SaveBMP(3) %%% SDL_SemPost(3) %%% SDL_SemTryWait(3) %%% SDL_SemValue(3) %%% SDL_SemWait(3) %%% SDL_SemWaitTimeout(3) %%% SDL_SetAlpha(3) %%% SDL_SetClipRect(3) %%% SDL_SetColorKey(3) %%% SDL_SetColors(3) %%% SDL_SetCursor(3) %%% SDL_SetEventFilter(3) %%% SDL_SetGamma(3) %%% SDL_SetGammaRamp(3) %%% SDL_SetModState(3) %%% SDL_SetPalette(3) %%% SDL_SetTimer(3) %%% SDL_SetVideoMode(3) %%% SDL_ShowCursor(3) %%% SDL_Surface(3) %%% SDL_SysWMEvent(3) %%% SDL_ThreadID(3) %%% SDL_UnlockAudio(3) %%% SDL_UnlockSurface(3) %%% SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(3) %%% SDL_UpdateRect(3) %%% SDL_UpdateRects(3) %%% SDL_UserEvent(3) %%% SDL_VideoInfo(3) %%% SDL_VideoModeOK(3) %%% SDL_WM_GetCaption(3) %%% SDL_WM_GrabInput(3) %%% SDL_WM_IconifyWindow(3) %%% SDL_WM_SetCaption(3) %%% SDL_WM_SetIcon(3) %%% SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(3) %%% SDL_WaitEvent(3) %%% SDL_WaitThread(3) %%% SDL_WarpMouse(3) %%% SDL_WasInit(3) %%% SDL_keysym(3) %%% SDL_mutexP(3) %%% SDL_mutexV(3) %%%
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