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RubyOnRails is a Ruby MVC framework for programming web applications. The Rails framework is made up from several parts:

  • ActiveRecord?, an ORM library that represents your Models in the MVC pattern
  • ActionPack?, which provides the View, and Controller parts of MVC. The views use ERB, or "Embedded Ruby"
  • ActiveWebService?, which allows you to provide SOAP and XMLRPC? services integrated into your controllers
  • ActiveSupport?, which provides many small niceties, and overrides core Ruby objects to provide things like:

    • 5.days => 432000 (Along with hours, fortnight(s), months, years etc. and kilo, mega, giga, tera-bytes etc.)
    • "person".pluralise => "people" (Also singularise to do the opposite)
    • And lots and lots of other language features, that arguably should be in Ruby anyway (such as Object.tap, Symbol-to-proc, returning "" do ... end)
  • ActionMailer?, which sort-of also provides the View part of MVC but for sending (and also receiving) emails

The Rails core code provides the "glue" for all these components.

See for more information.