Annotated edit history of RedHat version 12 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
12 AristotlePagaltzis 1 RedHat is the company that created RedHatLinux. [Founded in 1993 |], they were a major force in transforming Linux from an enthusiast occupation to a commercially supported and trusted OperatingSystem – while contributing most of their work back to the community. They offer several certifications: ~RedHat Certified Technician, RedHatCertifiedEngineer, and ~RedHat Certified Architect. They also run the community-driven FedoraProject, a clone of RedHatLinux which is not commercially supported.
2 AndrewThrift 2
12 AristotlePagaltzis 3 rpm(8) is the [RPM] [Package] Manager (though the first "R" used to stand for ~RedHat). A good source for up-to-date [RPM] files is FreshRpms (also has a howto on using apt(8) with RPMs). and are also very useful resources.
3 CraigBox 4
12 AristotlePagaltzis 5 The NewZealand contact is [TungU] (who are actually based in Melbourne, but service the Asia Pacific region).
3 CraigBox 6
7 -----
4 CraigBox 8 CategoryCompany

PHP Warning

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