
Differences between version 3 and predecessor to the previous major change of RealPlayer.

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Newer page: version 3 Last edited on Wednesday, August 6, 2003 7:40:30 am by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 2 Last edited on Wednesday, August 6, 2003 1:18:20 am by SimonCrosby Revert
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-Real Player is a commercial streaming audio/video solution. A competitor to WindowsMedia et al. Check it out at http://www .real .com/
+[ Real Player|] is a commercial streaming audio/video solution. A competitor to WindowsMedia et al. There is a RealPlayer for Linux; alternatively you can get [MPlayer] and it can link to the RealPlayer libraries and play Real clips with that . They usually have the extension __ .rm__ or __.ram__
-RealPlayer clips usually end with .RM or .RAM
+The best news from Real for a while is the announcement of the HelixCommunity: http://www .helixcommunity .org/  
-There is a RealPlayer for Linux; alternatively you can get [MPlayer] and it can link to the RealPlayer libraries and play Real clips with that .  
-The best news from Real for a while is the announcement of the HelixCommunity: http://www  
+RealPlayer forced MatthiasDallmeier to reinstall Windows after it highjacked all the default settings . %%% ''His fault for using Windows in the first place . ;) Wait - you can use Windows?'' --AristotlePagaltzis  
-SimonCrosby: RealOne is a disgustingly bloated piece of software - full of features you don't want but Real wants you to use, such as content channels/browsers or whatever. RealPlayer forced MatthiasDallmeier to reinstall Windows after it highjacked all the default settings.  
+''! RealOne is a disgustingly [Bloat]ed piece of software - full of features you don't want but Real wants you to use, such as content channels/browsers or whatever.'' --SimonCrosby