Blame: RandalSchwartz
Annotated edit history of RandalSchwartz version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 AristotlePagaltzis 1 The original "[Perl] hacker" and a ridiculously prolific author, both in print and on the net. He coauthored [Learning Perl, 3rd edition|] and [Programming Perl, 3rd edition|] and has written many columns for the !SysAdmin Magazine, the Linux Magazine and the now defunct !WebTechniques Magazine. Prior to his involvement in the [Perl] community, he was a well known [Unix] hacker, famous for his "[useless use of cat|]" posts on the [|] newsgroup. He is still [unjustly convicted of three felony counts under Oregon's Computer Crime Law|].
3 []
5 See also [his homepage|].
2 AristotlePagaltzis 6
7 ----
8 CategoryPeople