Annotated edit history of RPM version 16 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
10 StuartYeates 1 An [Acronym] with several meanings:
11 AristotlePagaltzis 3 __R__evolutions __P__er __M__inute:
4 The standard measure for the speed of spinning mechanical parts, such as the the media in HardDisk~s.
10 StuartYeates 5
15 AristotlePagaltzis 6 [RPM] [Package] __M__anager:
7 Initially __R__edHat [Package] __M__anager, later changed to a RecursiveAcronym.
10 StuartYeates 8
15 AristotlePagaltzis 9 A [Package] format invented by RedHat but also used by [SUSE], [Mandriva] and others. Also the name of the PackageManagementTool written by RedHat to use this format. There are now [frontends | PackageManagementTool] like AptForRpm and [Yum] (recommended for FedoraCore) that wrap [RPM] to solve what has become known as ''[RPM] Hell'' (or ''dependency hell'').
11 See [RPMFind |] and FreshRpms for source or binary [RPM]s for many distros. The latter also has [APM] repositories.