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Quagga is a fork of the Zebra routing daemon. Quagga originally consisted of the -pj patchset to Zebra, and was created because of a difference in beliefs between the Quagga developers (Faster development == more features, and faster bug finding and fixing) and the Zebra developers (Stable development).

A lot of people tend to use Quagga these days when they need a Linux machine to participate in a routing network. Quagga's growth in the last year or so has been huge, seeing development of many new features as well as a lot of code cleanups.

A Quagga is a now extinct creature that is closely related to a Zebra.


These notes are for observations on Debian Sarge.

Quagga uses the files in /etc/quagga/. By default, there is only a daemons file and a debian.conf file. I wanted to use BGP, so I copied my old bgpd.conf from zebra, changed the log file entry in it from /var/log/zebra/bgpd.log to /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log and made the file readable by the quagga group (since quagga has its own user and group in Debian). I also had to enable bgpd=yes in the daemons file.

When you use the vtysh program, it wants your user's normal login password, not a configured quagga password or anything. You can create (and configure) an /etc/quagga/vtysh.conf file, and give a log file /var/log/quagga/vtysh.log entry. Note that the username user password given in the example config file doesn't seem to do anything.

I think you need to have have line vty entries in each daemon's config file.

There are example files in /usr/share/doc/quagga/examples.