Annotated edit history of QemuNotes version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 AlastairPorter 1 Here is how IanMcDonald is getting qemu running Linux.
3 Create a disk image like:
4 <verbatim>
5 qemu-img create file1.img 5G
6 </verbatim>
7 which creates an image of 5 Gigabyte.
9 Start qemu as follows:
10 <verbatim>
11 qemu -boot d -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda hd.img
12 </verbatim>
14 Install the operating system. And then start qemu as below:
15 <verbatim>
16 qemu -hda hd.img -boot c
17 </verbatim>
19 However this created problems getting files in and out so better to create a loopback file system. For more on this see UserModeLinux.
2 AlastairPorter 20
21 !!Qemu and networking
22 Qemu can present a network device to the guest operating system via tuntap.%%%
23 You should boot it like:
24 <verbatim>
25 qemu -boot c -hda hd.img -net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=/path/to/tunconfig
26 </verbatim>
28 the file tunconfig should contain something like:
29 <verbatim>
30 #!/bin/bash
31 /sbin/ifconfig ${1##/*/}
32 </verbatim>
34 The above command appears to create an NE2K device at address 0xc100, irq 10.
3 AlastairPorter 35
36 !! Hardware information
37 Qemu has a built in console which you can use to get system information.%%%
38 To access the console, use Ctrl-Alt-2
40 Some commands that may be useful:
41 <verbatim>
42 show pci
43 show network
44 </verbatim>