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!!! Saving a username for a server Usually, you want to always connect to a particular machine with the same username. With [PuTTY], it would seem that there is no way to save a username in a session configuration, that there is no way to avoid being prompted for the username every time you double-click the session name. Not so – it’s just hidden in a less than obvious place: To save the username, enter it in the <i>Auto-login username</i> box on the <i>Connection → Data</i> panel. Silly? You tell me. !!! Line drawing characters [PuTTY] identifies as <tt>xterm</tt> by default. If you use a [UTF-8] locale on your [Linux]/[UNIX] machines, many applications will react to <tt>TERM=xterm</tt> by sending line drawing characters as a pair of characters consisting of a mode-switching character followed by some normal character such as x, q, and the like. [PuTTY] ignores the mode-switching character. As a result, trees, lines, boxes and the like don’t look anything like trees, lines or boxes. The solution is to have [PuTTY] identify as <tt>linux</tt> (ie. the [Linux] console TerminalEmulator) instead. To make it all work right, you need to twiddle the following configuration settings: Terminal → Keyboard:: Change the sequences sent by: The Functions keys and Keypad:: Select <i>Linux</i>. Window → Appearance:: Font settings:: Pick a font that contains the Unicode line drawing characters, such as <i>Andale Mono</i> or <i>Lucida Console</i>. (Unfortunately Vista’s gorgeous new <i>Consolas</i> font does not have those.) Window → Translation:: Character set translation on received data:: Select <i>[UTF-8]</i>. Adjust how PuTTY handles line drawing characters:: Select <i>Use Unicode line drawing code points</i>. Connection → Data:: Terminal details: Terminal-type string:: Enter “<tt>linux</tt>”. Now line drawing characters should show up as they are supposed to.
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