This laptop (in the M2000 series) has a couple of gotchas for Linux support:
The wireless chipset (Intel 2200BG) works under linux. See the IPW2x00WirelessChipset page for more details.
The graphics controller uses an Intel 915GM chipset, which is supposedly supported by XOrg's i810 driver. However, it doesn't seem to be properly supported by the version of Xorg in Hoary, and graphics didn't work out of the box. (!!) GDM starts and runs but nothing is displayed on the LCD.
If you use Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary), either use the "vesa" graphics driver, or if you really want to use the i810 driver, you can download a newer snapshot of the driver from I used the
"i915-20050718-linux.i386" which at least got X working with the i810 driver. You'll also need the "common-20050718-linux.i386" to get newer versions of Xorg's libdrm.a and GL modules. (If you install the driver but don't install the "common" package, you'll get an error in your Xorg.0.log file like "libdri version is 4.1.0 but version 5.0.x is needed").
Ubuntu 5.10 aka "Breezy Badger" has these newer versions and you don't need to do anything.
(The difficulty in supporting this chip is described in an xorg thread.)
The graphics card lets you use "Xinerama" (DualHead) mode so you can have an extra wide desktop that stretches over two monitors. See our i915-xorg.conf page. (This might possibly require the updated i810/i915 support from above, I didn't test this with the vesa driver).
The laptop has built-in BlueTooth. It works with the default kernel in Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper), although I had to first issue
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
from a command line. Maybe the graphical tools do this automatically, but I don't use bluetooth much so I don't know.
With the default xorg.conf(5x) that Ubuntu (5.04 Hoary) generated, the touchpad generates a middle-click when you tap it, which is very annoying. Changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to have
Option "TapButton2" "0" # 0 = no action
in the synaptics touchpad InputDevice section fixed this, although I'm not sure why it needed "TapButton2" and not "TapButton1".
You can still get a middleclick (mouse button2) by pressing buttons 1 and 3 simultaneously -- this assumes you have the Emulate3Buttons option for the default mouse InputDevice.
The card reader works with the default kernel in Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper). I couldn't get the 6-in-1 card reader to work with Ubuntu Hoary.
The "Expansion Port 2" slot is only for attaching the laptop to Compaq's docking station.
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