Blame: PHPGroupWare
Annotated edit history of PHPGroupWare version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 WillThisFriginWork 1 A 100% server side, web-based replacement for the Exchange/Outlook horror combination. Website at []. Supports LDAP, Cyrus/Courier IMAP mailstore or pop3 for the weak-hearted. Multiple sql backends available, including MSSQL. A vast plethora of plugins have been debianised, including but not limited to: a shared mp3 manager, a shared Napster client (to be dropped), WAP support, homepages, IRC, SOAP, RSS....
1 TomHibbert 2
4 debian __apt-get install phpgroupware__
2 AndrewMitchell 5
4 WillThisFriginWork 6 __Warning__: these packages are rather broken & out of date - a bad patch on top of a 0.9.13 prerelease (current from is (0.9.16RC1 coming soon)). The project recommends and supports the current release files listed [on the project download page |].
1 TomHibbert 7
8 I'll add tricks as I learn them.
10 ----
12 __LDAP support on Debian__
4 WillThisFriginWork 14 For whatever reason, the .schema files required for phpGroupware are in the package __phpgroupware-api-doc__. They are placed here as all api docs are a seperate deb ,and the LDAP schemas live in the api/doc/ldap directory inc cvs