Annotated edit history of Ostra version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 AristotlePagaltzis 1 [Ostra |;a=summary] is a KernelDevelopment tool created by ArnaldoMelo to track objects in the LinuxKernel. It depends on [Sparse].
1 IanMcDonald 2
3 It was originally created for use in debugging [DCCP] but has also examples for [TCP] and can be used for many other purposes.
3 AristotlePagaltzis 5 At the moment (25 Aug 05) [Ostra] won't compile against [Sparse] without a patch that LinusTorvalds has not yet committed. ArnaldoMelo has supplied a patch and you can contact him or IanMcDonald for it.
4 IanMcDonald 6
7 A little bit of bit-rot has set in for [Ostra] so may not be a good tool to use right now.