Diff: OpenSourceSuccessStories

Differences between version 8 and previous revision of OpenSourceSuccessStories.

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Newer page: version 8 Last edited on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 1:24:04 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 7 Last edited on Saturday, November 15, 2003 10:51:51 pm by StuartYeates Revert
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-!!Successful packages and applications  
-[Apache] Webserver,  
-[OpenOffice] free office suite,  
-[Mozilla] web browser,  
-[Linux] operating system,  
-[BSD] family of operating systems,  
-[GCC] compiler,  
-[X11] graphics system,  
-[TheGimp ] image manipulation system, ...  
+! !! Successful packages and applications  
+* [Apache] webserver  
+* [ ] free office suite  
+* [Mozilla] WebBrowser  
+* [Linux] OperatingSystem  
+* [BSD] family of [OperatingSystem]s  
+* [GCC] [Compiler]  
+* [X11] graphics system  
+* [TheGIMP ] image manipulation system 
+!!! Successful integrations  
-!!Successful integrations  
- * [Asian first-time computer users prefer Linux to Windows|]  
-* [Rockin' on without Microsoft|]  
-* [Success Stories from Linux International|]  
-* [Success stories from Marcel Gagne|] 
+* [Asian first-time computer users prefer Linux to Windows |]  
+* [Rockin' on without Microsoft |]  
+* [Success Stories from Linux International |]  
+* [Success stories from Marcel Gagne |] 
 * Munich local government (Germany) upgrades to linux on 14,000 desktop machines: 
-** " Linux took on Microsoft, and won big in Munich" [USA Today |]  
-** " Munich breaks with Windows for Linux" [ |] 
+** [ Linux took on Microsoft, and won big in Munich |]  
+** [ Munich breaks with Windows for Linux |] 