Annotated edit history of OpenSource version 5 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 MattBrown 1 OpenSource means the SourceCode to the software is available.
5 LawrenceDoliveiro 3 It often refers to Software released under the [GPL] or a similar license, and thus overlaps with the "FreeSoftware" term. However, the two should not be confused, as OpenSource software may be non-[Free], even non-[free]. Examples include commercial versions of [Unix] or [Java], of which the SourceCode is available, but third parties are not allowed to distribute it.
2 CraigBox 4
5 DebianLinux has a "nonfree" section for software that the project may legally distribute but which does not meet the project's definition of FreeSoftware. This includes many OpenSource programs.
3 JohnMcPherson 6
7 Compare [Free] and FreeSoftware.
2 CraigBox 8
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10 CategoryPolitics