Blame: NonDisclosureAgreement
Annotated edit history of NonDisclosureAgreement version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 EnterpriseSpeak for "If you tell anyone what we're about to show you, we chop off your favourite limb."
2 StuartYeates 3 If you see something, don't sign an [NDA] for it, because then anything you try and do in relation to that product in future, like perhaps build a [DeviceDriver] for it, will get you deeply in the poo.
5 Some companies use [NonDisclosureAgreement]s derived from the US military. These are mainly companies who do enough military contracting to make it worth enforcing guidelines company-wide. These are typically non-terminating [NDA]s which last for the lifetime of the employee.
3 LawrenceDoliveiro 6
7 Example: [Google's NDA|]
1 CraigBox 8
9 -----
10 CategoryPolitics