This example is where Cisco routers, in this example Cisco 831 and Cisco 837 routers, are on remote sites and connection to a main site which has a NetScreen 5XT firewall.
Cisco 831/837 router VPN Configuration.
crypto keyring merope pre-shared-key address <<NetScreen untrust ip address>> key <<key>> ! crypto isakmp policy 10 encr 3des hash md5 authentication pre-share group 2 crypto isakmp identity hostname crypto isakmp profile vpn-connection description VPN Connection to Main Site keyring merope self-identity user-fqdn <<hostname>>@<<domain name>> match identity address <<NetScreen untrust ip address>> initiate mode aggressive ! ! crypto ipsec transform-set crypto-set esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ! crypto map vpn 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer <<NetScreen untrust ip address>> set transform-set crypto-set set pfs group2 set isakmp-profile vpn-connection match address VPN-ACL ! ip access-list extended VPN-ACL remark VPN Encryption with Main Site permit ip <<local IP Range>> <<Remote IP Range>> ! interface <<External Interface>> crypto map vpn
NetScreen 5XT Configuration.
(mind the line breaks)
set address "Untrust" "<<Remote IP Range>>/" <<Remote IP Range>> "Remote Site VPN" set ike gateway "<<remote-hostname>>" address id "<<remote-hostname>>@<<domain name>>" \ Aggr outgoing-interface "ethernet3" preshare "<<key>>" proposal "pre-g2-3des-md5" unset ike gateway "<<remote-hostname>>" nat-traversal set vpn "<<remote-hostname>>" gateway "<<remote-hostname>>" replay tunnel idletime 0 proposal \ "g2-esp-3des-md5" set policy id 9 name "<<remote-hostname>>" from "Untrust" to "home" "<<Remote IP Range>>/" \ "<<Local IP Range>>/" "ANY" tunnel vpn "<<remote-hostname>>" id 6 pair-policy 8 set policy id 8 name "<<remote-hostname>>" from "home" to "Untrust" "<<Local IP Range>>/" \ "<<Remote IP Range>>/" "ANY" tunnel vpn "<<remote-hostname>>" id 6 pair-policy 9
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