
Differences between version 35 and predecessor to the previous major change of NForce2Notes.

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Newer page: version 35 Last edited on Sunday, September 5, 2004 10:40:21 am by CraigBox Revert
Older page: version 33 Last edited on Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:29:15 pm by WilliamBlew Revert
@@ -10,14 +10,18 @@
 To get an nvidia card working, see their site for their latest graphics driver (currently [1.0-5336|] as of March 6, 2004). 
 !! Network 
-The [ForcedEth|], driver is a reverse engineered, open source ethernet driver for the onboard NVIDIA lan. It's very stable and comes with 2.4.24+ and 2.6.3+ kernels. 
+The [ForcedEth|], driver is a reverse engineered, open source ethernet driver for the onboard NVIDIA lan. It's very stable and comes with 2.4.24+ and 2.6.3+ kernels. This means you do not need to patch your kernel if you are running one of these kernels!  
 If you want to use nvidia's binary driver, it's called nvnet and is supplied by nvidia in the package above. This seems to work fine and gives reasonable performance. 
 Sometimes you'll notice, when doing large transfers over your LAN, that your CPU usage goes through the roof and eth0 generates up to 500,000 interrupts a second. The nvnet driver is to blame; you can either load the module with 'optimizations=1' to optimize for CPU usage instead of throughput (interestingly, this doesn't seem to affect throughput at all) 
 If you're using kernel 2.6, you will have to [patch the NVidia source|] to make nvnet run. 
+! Wake On LAN  
+The nvnet driver claims to support [WOL], but doesn't. The forcedeth driver supports [WOL], but seems to disable it by default. You need a program called ethtool to set the WOL status each time you boot. See WakeOnLanNotes for more details.  
 !! Sound 
 Provided you have your motherboard correctly setup (see below) you should be able to use the kernel supplied OSS i810_audio module to get sound using the nvidia chipset. You can get better facility out of the nvaudio module but it's hard to get going. 
The following authors of this page have not agreed to the WlugWikiLicense. As such copyright to all content on this page is retained by the original authors.
  • WilliamBlew
  • TimOrford
  • JoshBassett
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