Annotated edit history of NCSA version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigMckenna 1 [Acronym] for __N__ational __C__enter for __S__upercomputing __A__pplications
3 A scientific research center built to create, use, and transfer information technologies and advanced computing and communication tools.
3 CraigMckenna 5 Most famous for the development of the WorldWideWeb browser (called [NCSA] [Mosaic]), the [NCSA] focuses on the areas of science, engineering, education, and business.
4 zcat(1) 6
7 They also wrote NCSA telnet for DOS and Mac way back when XT's and 128K Mac's were state-of-the-art. It was a great little client with an inbult single-connection FTP server which would easily fit onto a bootable 360K floppy.