
Differences between version 17 and previous revision of Mutt.

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Newer page: version 17 Last edited on Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:35:47 am by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 16 Last edited on Friday, September 24, 2004 10:41:26 am by PatricMueller Revert
@@ -1,53 +1,17 @@
-;: ''"All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." -- Michael Elkins, original author of [Mutt]'' 
+ ''"All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." Michael Elkins, original author of [Mutt]'' 
 [Mutt] is a popular console-based email client. Recent versions support things like [IMAP], [SSL] and [TLS] as well as gpg(1) (see [GPGMailClients]). 
-Its greatest strength is an unsurpassed support for dealing with [ MailingList] s. The threading is ''very'' smart, and it actually understands the notion of a MailingList: the list-reply command addresses a reply to a list post to the list but not its sender, avoiding cumbersome reply-to-all fiddling, and will not be confused by ReplyToMunging some evil mailing list software does either. There are many commands to allow you to efficiently select a large number of mails to operate on. Just about everything is customizable - keybinds, screen layout and colourization (including text highlighting in the pager), even the headers of all mail you generate. You can also edit all headers on the fly and individually for each mail. All of this functionality can also be bound to keys, making it simple to have an arbitrary number of mail adresses, mail servers, display configuration and anything else you can think of available at the touch of a key. It has superb support for sending mail from the CommandLine, even with attached files. 
+Its greatest strength is an unsurpassed support for dealing with MailingList~ s. The threading is ''very'' smart, and it actually understands the notion of a MailingList: the <tt> list-reply</tt> command addresses a reply to a list post to the list but not its sender, avoiding cumbersome <tt> reply-to-all</tt> fiddling, and will not be confused by ReplyToMunging some evil mailing list software does either. There are many commands to allow you to efficiently select a large number of mails to operate on. Just about everything is customizable keybinds, screen layout and colourization (including text highlighting in the pager), even the headers of all mail you generate. You can also edit all headers on the fly and individually for each mail. All of this functionality can also be bound to keys, making it simple to have an arbitrary number of mail adresses, mail servers, display configuration and anything else you can think of available at the touch of a key. It has superb support for sending mail from the CommandLine, even with attached files. 
 If you like this kind of power and freedom, [Mutt] is your mailer of choice. 
 Naturally, you pay a price for so much goodness: the learning curve is steep, esp since the default configuration is just barely usable, forcing you to claw through much of the documentation in order to achieve a comfortable environment. Those who are willing to invest the effort however will find themselves pleasantly surprised. No other mailer enables you to deal with high mail volumes even nearly as efficiency. 
-Unsurprisingly, it's very fast and takes very little memory (unlike, say, MozillaMail). Being a console program (can be linked against either [S-lang] or [Curses]) it is naturally very usable even across a SSH connection on a dial-up. Unlike [PINE], it is completely [Free] software, available under the [GPL]. 
+Unsurprisingly, it's very fast and takes very little memory (unlike, say, MozillaMail). Being a console program (can be linked against either [S-lang] or [Curses]) it is naturally very usable even across a [ SSH] connection on a dial-up. Unlike [PINE], it is completely [Free] software, available under the [GPL]. 
-!! Hints and Tips  
- See [.muttrc] for example config files.  
+! See also  
-If you actually want to read any [HTML] [Email] you get, you can get [Mutt] to delegate arbitrary [MIME] types to other programs (it will default to your pager for __text/ *__ types). Add the following line to your __.mailcap__ file:  
- text/html ; lynx -force_html %s  
-A more "integrating" alternative is to add __set implicit_autoview__ to your [.muttrc] and make the __.mailcap__ line something like  
- text/html ; lynx -force_html -dump %s ; copiousoutput  
-This will cause [Mutt] to transparently invoke [Lynx] and display its output in the integrated pager for any [HTML] message. (__set implicit_autoview__ enables this for all [MIME] types with a __copiousoutput__ keyword.)  
-Incidentally, [vilistextum | http://bhaak /vilistextum /] is an excellent tool for such on-the-fly conversion of HTML, as it launches and runs nearly instantly even on old and aging machines, where [Lynx] takes its sweet time.  
-!Automating messages with Mutt  
-If you want to send a message with Mutt with an attachment, like you would with mail(1), use:  
- mutt -a $FILENAME -s $SUBJECT $TO < /dev /null  
-[cat(1)]ing a file into mutt doesn't seem to work the same way.  
-[Mutt] (and most other command-line mail programs) take stdin(3) to be the body of the message. That won't work if you expect it to add all the nice [MIME] headers and stuff for attachments.  
-!Forcing headers  
-To have a more descriptive __From:__ than just __root__ when you happen to be mailing from that account (not something you should do habitually), add these settings to your [.muttrc]:  
- my_hdr From:  
- set realname="Real Name"  
-!Using maildir  
-If you use Maildir format mailboxes (for example, Courier IMAP) and you want to read them locally with Mutt:  
- export MAIL=~ /Maildir/  
-and insert the following line into [.muttrc ]:  
- set folder=~/Maildir/  
+* MuttNotes  
+* [.muttrc]  
+* [Woodnotes Guide to the Mutt Email Client | http://therandymon .com /content /view /42 /79 /]