Annotated edit history of Munters version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 An odd word, one that seems not to be in use much outside of [Hamilton].
3 A munter is anyone who is loud, obnoxious, quite probably drunk, probably into rugby (you tend to be a Rugby Munter if you play/watch the game and a Rugby [Geek] only if you referree it and/or write the rules).
3 GreigMcGill 4
5 GreigMcGill: I disagree. Munters need not be loud or obnoxious. They are simply the (and this sounds snobby) "low brow" people with bland taste in many things. A typical Munter cares only for Ford or Holden, listens to The Rock or Hauraki, drinks Lion Red or Waikato, and enjoys reality television.
1 CraigBox 6
7 Alcohol makes normal people into munters.
9 Munting can be a lot of fun.
3 GreigMcGill 10
4 CraigBox 11 -----
3 GreigMcGill 12 Part of CategoryOffTopic