Blame: MozillaThunderbirdNotes
Annotated edit history of MozillaThunderbirdNotes version 19, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
15 CraigBox 1 !! [HTTP] handler issues
13 MarcVinyesRaso 2
15 CraigBox 3 Set the preference
13 MarcVinyesRaso 4
18 CraigBox 5 user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");
13 MarcVinyesRaso 6
18 CraigBox 7 and point it at the launcher for Firefox on your distribution.
13 MarcVinyesRaso 8
9 In addition, so Thunderbird can redirect some additional protocls ([FTP] and [HTTPS]) add the following:
11 user_pref("", "/location/to/firefox");
12 user_pref("", "/location/to/firefox");
15 CraigBox 14 As well as that, you can define another [FTP] program to handle the [FTP] transactions (though [Mozilla] handles them just fine, try the following:
13 MarcVinyesRaso 15
16 user_pref("", "/location/to/ftpprogram");
19 CraigBox 17
18 !! Thunderbird extensions
20 Some extensions recommended by various users. Right click and save as to install these, because if you use MozillaFirefox it assumes it is an extension for itself.
22 DrewBroadley recommends:%%%
24 [Enigmail |]:
25 OpenPGP message encryption and authentication. Requires [platform-specific Enigmime extension|]
26 [Forumzilla |]:
27 Forumzilla is an extension to Thunderbird and Mozilla Mail for reading news and blog feeds (all flavors of RSS plus Atom). It lets you read feeds using the familiar three-pane mail interface.
28 [No New Window on Double Click |]:
29 Prevents Thunderbird from opening a new window when you double click a folder.
31 -----
32 CategoryNotes

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 5 times)