Diff: MetaNetConfiguration

Differences between version 11 and predecessor to the previous major change of MetaNetConfiguration.

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Newer page: version 11 Last edited on Thursday, November 18, 2004 2:11:19 pm by MikeBeattie Revert
Older page: version 7 Last edited on Friday, July 2, 2004 6:55:44 pm by AlastairPorter Revert
@@ -64,18 +64,45 @@
 Make sure any clients on your network that you want to resolve !MetaNet addresses have the address of your nameserver as the first nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf, or their native DNS configuration. You can put your [ISP]'s nameserver after it as a precaution, if you like. 
-see FirewallNotes and PerrysFirewallingScript. Although you should be able to mostly trust other people on the metanet, you should at the very least do some basic firewalling. 
+See FirewallNotes and PerrysFirewallingScript. Although you should be able to mostly trust other people on the metanet, you should at the very least do some basic firewalling. 
 For example, samba/nmbd does broadcasts that will go across the metanet. You can either block traffic to and from the metanet on ports 137, 138 and 139 (both [TCP] and [UDP]) or you can add the following in smb.conf's global section: 
  bind interfaces only = yes 
  interfaces = 10.x.y.0/24 
+__Note:__ The following is geared towards a system where the MetaNet router doesn't supply services to the MetaNet, and isn't your desktop, for example. But it can still be used and applied, with (relatively heavy) modification.  
+The only traffic on the range is BGP, and DNS to the tla root server, so you can safely firewall off everything except port 179 tcp/udp incoming. You'll need to allow 53 udp for forwarding to/from your nameserver if it's not on the router... You will need to leave outgoing open, and ports >=1024 incoming with stateful acceptance (RELATED,ESTABLISHED) since your MetaNet router will use the IP on the wan0 interface for its communication onto the MetaNet.  
+An example of this is:  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 179 -s -i wan0 -d 192.168.x.y -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 179 -s -i wan0 -d 192.168.x.y -j ACCEPT  
+ <Add extra allowances here, if your MetaNet router is serving services...>  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1:1023 -j REJECT  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1:1023 -j REJECT  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1024:65535 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1024:65535 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A INPUT -p imcp -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -d -o wan0 -s 192.168.x.y -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -d -o wan0 -s 192.168.x.y -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -p imcp -j ACCEPT  
+Further, you want these for forwarding your 10.x range over your MetaNet router (where ethX is the NIC with your 10.x.y.z/24 on it):  
+ iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -d -o wan0 --dport 53 -s 10.x.y.z/24 -i ethX -j ACCEPT ( For a DNS server that )  
+ iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -d 10.x.y.z/24 -o ethX -s -i wan0 --sport 53 -j ACCEPT ( isn't on the MetaNet router )  
+ iptables -A FORWARD -d -o wan0 -s 10.x.y.z/24 -i ethX -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A FORWARD -d 10.x.y.z/24 -o ethX -s -i wan0 -j ACCEPT  
+ iptables -A FORWARD -p imcp -j ACCEPT  
+You'll need more than the above in your FORWARD chain if you also run something like NAT for your internet connection on your MetaNet router.  
 !!Root CA 
 The !MetaNet has a CertificateAuthority that it uses for signing SSL websites and potentially other cool stuff. To add this "root CA" to your browser, visit 
 Now, go to MetaNetResources to see what you can do with your new internetwork. 
-[1] The reason is if you use a forwarder, then all queries get forwarded to the other server and it won't be able to resolve metanet names and addresses. 
+[1] The reason is that if you use a forwarder, then all queries for anything other than master/slave zones get forwarded to the other server and you won't be able to resolve metanet names and addresses.