At 7:30pm on Monday, 25 February 2019, a SGM was held to discuss proposed changes to the Wlug charter. A total of eight 2019 Wlug members were present, thus quorum was met.
At the Wlug AGM of 26 November 2018 it was decided a SGM would be held in 2019 to discuss minor adjustments to the current Wlug Charter of 20 January 2014. Ian Stewart provided a document to everyone in attendance detailing the proposed changes. The changes included:
After discussing the proposal the members unanimously voted for the proposed changes.
The meeting closed at 7:50pm.
After the meeting Peter, Tony and Ian signed and initialled print outs of the proposal and the updated charter documents. Ian will scan these documents and up-load them to the Incorporated Societies web-site.
One page links to MeetingTopics.2019-02-25: