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!!!Minutes of WLUG AGM 2018 - 26 November 2018 !Present: * Jeff Seymour * Tony Templer * Tom Butz * Ian Stewart * Peter Reutemann * Rod Aldridge !Apologies: * Chris O'Halloran * Ian Young * Lawrence D'Olivero !Minutes for AGM 2017 The minutes for the 27 November 2017 AGM were reviewed. Peter accepted the minutes as a true account of the meeting and Rod seconded. !President's Report Peter thanked our sponsors for 2018. These were the Waikato University Computer Science Dept. for providing the meeting room, Rimu Hosting for providing the hosting of the our web-site and Daniel Lawson for providing hosting for the WLUG wiki. Also thanked was our member Tony Templer, whom, with help from Jeff and Rod, continued to provide the beverages and snacks at our regular meetings. Throughout 2018 we had a few new faces coming along to the meetings. The use of meetup.com to advertise our wlug meetings seems to be effective in having new people interested in the topic of the month attend. Peter suggested we continue using the meetup.com service. A variety of presentations were delivered at our 2018 meetings and topics included: Cyber security, Amazon's Alexa, R-Sync, Raspberry-Pi, iRedMail an Open Souce Mail Server and the vulnerabilities of Meltdown and Spectre. This year we progressed with the reinstatement of WLUG as an incorporated society. We await the processing by the Incorporated Societies of the documents we have submitted. As Meetup.com is a US based company, our 6 monthly invoice amount fluctuates slightly due to exchange rates. Thus Peter pays it with his credit card and WLUG reimburse him. Peter moved that President's report be accepted and Rod agreed. !Treasurer's Report Ian and Tony prepared the Treasurer's Report, which Ian presented. For the first time in many years we had a small loss. This was primarily due to the one time charge we incurred for the reinstatement of WLUG as an incorporated society. At present our income through subscriptions covers our regular expenses of continuing our domain name registration and use of Meetup.com. Although our financial year is from 1st January to 31st December our aim is that our financial transactions for the year stop on the night of the AGM on the 4th Monday of November and re-start from the 1st January the next year. This helps to keep the year field of our bank transaction dates synchronized with our financial year. Ian moved the Treasurer's Report be accepted and Peter agreed. !Election of Committee for 2019 The following Officers and Committee members were elected. Officers: *President: Peter Reutemann. Nominated by Rod. *Vice President: Chris O'Hallloran. Nominated by Peter. *Treasurer: Tony Templer. Nominated by Ian. *Secretary: Ian Stewart. Nominated by Tony. Committee: *Tom Butz. Nominated by Peter. *Rod Aldridge. Nominated by Ian. *(To be nominated at SGM on 28 January 2019) !General Business Agenda 1. Peter proposed that an SGM be held on 28 January 2019 as part of our regular monthly meeting. The SGM will be to discuss minor adjustments to Wlug Charter of 20 January 2014. These adjustments include: *Quorum for AGM meetings. *Removal of sections that are obsolete. E.g. Library books and email accounts. *Do we need a WLUG seal? Peter moved, Tom seconded, In accordance with our WLUG charter this meeting will need to be advertised by 27 December 2018 and at regular times thereafter. 2. Membership fees are currently $10. Peter proposed it to be kept at $10. Seconded Ian. 3. Peter will contact Orcon regarding payment of the WLUG Domain Name. Maybe the monthly invoicing may be changed from monthly to yearly or alternatively Orcon can perform direct debiting of WLUG account. Meeting concluded at 9:27pm.
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