
Minutes of WLUG AGM 23/11/2015

Meeting opened at 8:28pm. Apologies William McKee?, Chris O’Halloran Rene Bartosh.


  • Peter Reutemann
  • Lawrence d’Oliveiro
  • Ian Stewart
  • Tony Templer
  • Roderick Aldridge
  • Ian Young
  • John Thompson

Approval of previous minutes

Minutes of 2014 AGM were read. Peter moved that they be accepted. Seconded by Ian Young.

Presidents Report

Continued to make use of for wlug. Cost of this service is US$12 per 6 months. Most popular presentations this year were by Baden Delamore on system security. As yet we have not re-applied to function as an incorporated society. Plan to do so in 2016. Wlug server was compromised. Software has been re-installed, but not yet placed back online. The wikipedia pages,, are being run from systems of Daniel Lawson. Suggestion of more marketing of wlug around the University for 2016. One meeting this year could not be held at Waikato university as the room was booked for exam use. That meeting was held at The Cook.

Peter moved, and Rod seconded the Presidents Report.

Treasurers Report

Tony presented the report for 2015. Wlug ended the year with a small surplus. Tony has recently paid some expenses and needs to coordinate with Rene and Chris on receiving reimbursement. The payment method to Orcon for the domain name has changed from quarterly to once every 3 years. Tony will produce a 2015 financial statement such that it can be submitted if we proceed with reapplying to operate as an incorporated society.

Tony moved the report be accepted, and Roderick seconded.

Review of Subscription

Tony moved, Peter seconded that the subscription remain at $20.

Election of 2016 Committee

  • President - Peter Reutemann
  • Vice-President - Chris O’Halloran
  • Treasurer - Tony Templer
  • Secretary - Ian Stewart
  • General Committee #1 - Roderick Aldridge
  • General Committee #2 - Lawrence d’Oliveiro
  • General Committee #3 - Ian Young

Peter proposed that the Committee remain the same for 2016. Seconded by Ian Stewart and unanimously agreed.

General Business

Wlug email anti-spamming software seems to be less aggressive with its filtering, so continue using our current mailing service.

Meeting closed at 9:33pm.