

Bitcoin p2p monetary information technology:

A demo for geeks & techies.


We begin with a brief historical background of monetary information technologies, digital currencies and p2p currency. Next is an introduction to the open source bitcoin protocol, block-chaining, the coin issuance algorithm, the recording and securing of transactions. After these preliminaries, the talk will be an open-floor format discussion with demonstrations.

A short user-space demo of web wallet, bitcoin client and send/receive public key address usage will be given. Next we'll go "under the hood" and look at how the code and the network is functioning. Topics that can be covered include, but not limited to; location of significant files, configuration of the bitcoin.conf file, securing the private keys contained within wallet.dat file, running "bitcoind" on a linux machine with the command line query/response interface, building the code from source and alternate clients. Finally, we'll finish up with a demonstration of a 6 node GPU OpenCL GPGPU cluster, aka bitcoin "mining rig" in action.

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