On 12 March, WLUG will be co-sponsoring several talks on OpenOffice.org repeated throughout the day at St. Pauls Methodist Center in Hamilton. Our presenter will be GrahamLauder, who you may remember gave and excellent talk at our SoftwareFreedomDay event last year. Since that talk OpenOffice 3 has been released, so anyone who attended that talk will want to see him speak again on what new features have been included in this release. The event is co-sponsored by the 20/20 Waikato Trust, and
Community Waikato. There is a PDF flyer you can download below with more information.
These talks are for the benefit of not-for-profit organizations and the communities they serve. Linux, OpenOffice.org and other Free/Open Source Software applications are being used more and more by not-for-profits due to lower cost, no licensing hassles, and the high quality of the software.
OpenOffice.org has a page here dedicated to the ways non-profits can benefit from using it's software:
These talks are open to WLUG members, we are a not-for-profit incorporated society after all. Linux users value the empowerment and freedom the software gives them. This is an opportunity to spread the word about our group to people who share these values.
If your an employee or a volunteer or associated with a non-profit in anyway, these presentations are intend for you. If you know someone who may be interested in this talk, or there is someone involved with a non-profit you've been wanting to talk to about using Free Software, this is your opportunity.
If you would like to attend please send an rsvp to: john@nimhq.net.
One page links to MeetingTopics.2009-03-12: