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Waikato Linux Users' Group Incorporated
Annual General Meeting Minutes

26 September 2005
Held at LitB

Meeting opened at 7:16pm.

1. Membership signup/collection of subscriptions

27 members signed up, and subscriptions were collected from 18 members.

2. Apologies

SidSwami? submits his apologies.

3. Minutes of the previous AGM

Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous Annual General Meeting

Moved: MattBrown
Seconded: LindsayDruett


4. Matters arising

There are no matters arising from the previous AGM.

5. President's report

Greig presented a reporting our successes in the previous year:

  • a change in focus of the meetings - good year for presentations
  • tidied up legal loose ends
  • instrumental in the cessation of AuckLUG pretending to be NZLUG
  • continuted promotion of the wiki a respected and widely used source for open source information

He noted we have not acheived more active participation in administration/direction/general members, and suggests that the 2006 committee should address this. He thanked CraigBox ("Craig's legs have fallen off") and MattBrown ("the Greig award for most enthusiastic and dedicated member of the committee"), as well as the other members of the 2005 committee. Greig ended by telling the meeting that he personally enjoyed the challenge of being on the committee since incorporation, but felt it was time to freshen up and offer some new spaces.

6. Survey results

CraigBox presented the results of the 2005 WLUG survey.

7. Treasurer's report

  • Balance at last AGM: $852.00
  • 2004-2005 year: $775 income
  • 2004-2005 Expenses: $302.61, including fees for registration of DNS, Installfest, refreshments; including petty cash, $359.77
  • Balance brought forward: $1264.87

8. Changes to charter

Motion: that Rule 7 be amended, replacing "The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 5 (five) extra members" with "The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 3 (three) extra members".

Moved JohnMcPherson
Seconded MattBrown

Motion passed

Motion: that Rule 6 be amended, replacing "The quorum will be five members of the committee" with "The quorum will be four members of the committee".

Moved CraigBox
Seconded RodAldridge

Motion passed

Motion: that Rule 6 be amended to remove the sentence "The meeting may not require the general attendance of the society, in the case of most disciplinary meetings, or may require full attendance in the case of a change to the charter or rules of the society.", and that the paragraph "The committee can call a special general meeting by a pass vote at a committee meeting. A member may call a SGM if backed by a majority of the society's membership." be removed and replaced with "The committee can call a special general meeting by the request of any committee member. A member may call a SGM if backed by at least 10% of the society's membership."

Moved: JamieCurtis
Seconded: IanMcDonald

Motion passed

9. Election of officers

The following officers were duly elected:

The following general committee members were duly elected:

10. General business


Meeting closed at 9:05pm.

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