Blame: MeetingTopics.2003-02-24
Annotated edit history of MeetingTopics.2003-02-24 version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 CraigBox 1 Advocacy planning for 2003.
4 CraigBox 3 Some freeform notes from the meeting:
5 Apply for a WEL Energy Trust grant - perhaps purchase data projector
7 We need topics for the year (need about 9 or 10)
9 * Desktop Linux
10 ** the LUG should select a "desktop linux distro" of choice and look at having a common platform for supporting users issues
11 ** a distribution for business users
12 * An introduction to Unix - what it is, why it does what it does etc, the Unix model; similar to what was covered in Uni tutorials
13 ** What is a load average?
14 * Installfest? (See Distro of Choice)
15 * What can linux do now (that it couldn't do previously)
16 ** Multimedia - music, video, cd copying
17 * Windows + linux compatiblity
18 * Wireless and wardriving - CRCNet presentation?
19 * Anti spam and anti virus
20 * Advanced routing, gateway, qos, source based routing,
3 CraigBox 21
22 -----
4 CraigBox 24 Work to establish the WLUG Library.
26 Approach:
27 * IBM
28 * O'Reilly
29 * !McGraw Hill
30 * Apple
31 * Member owned books/loans - need some system for this
33 -----
1 JohnMcPherson 34
4 CraigBox 35 Throw a Linux lan party?
2 CraigBox 36
4 CraigBox 37 Need diversity of membership - try and up membership numbers in both Linux professionals and new users
1 JohnMcPherson 38
4 CraigBox 39 Use Knoppix to show Linux off to new people
5 JohnMcPherson 40
41 Part of OldMeetingTopics