Annotated edit history of MailScanner version 14, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
9 AristotlePagaltzis 1 MailScanner is a generic scanner for use by [MTA]s, intended to drive a spam filter and a virus scanner. It is written in [Perl] and can be set up with at least SendMail and [Exim].
8 ScottZwaard 2
14 CraigBox 3 It usually comes packaged for use with the SpamAssassin spam filter. Plug VipulsRazor into SpamAssassin and [ClamAV] into MailScanner, and you have a complete [Free] anti virus and spam proxy solution - always a good thing to equip an enterprise mail server with.
8 ScottZwaard 4
14 CraigBox 5 If you want to pay someone to do all this for you, there's a product called OpenProtect, which integrates MailScanner, SpamAssassin and [ClamAV] into an easily installable bundle.
7 If you're using Exim, you can do most of this directly, and don't really need the overhead of MailScanner. See EximMailFilter.
8 ScottZwaard 8
9 See also
9 AristotlePagaltzis 10 * [MailScanner homepage |] ([alternative URL |])
8 ScottZwaard 11 * MailScannerNotes
11 DanielLawson 13 ----
14 CategoryAntiSpam

PHP Warning

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