Annotated edit history of MailClient version 13, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
13 AristotlePagaltzis 1 The common reference for a [MUA], this is the program you run on your computer to talk [Email].
10 CraigBox 2
13 AristotlePagaltzis 3 !! [Unix]
4 * [Mutt]:
5 <pre>
6 mutt -a __attachment_filename__ -s __subject__ __addr__
7 # or
8 mutt -a __attachment_filename__ '~mailto:__addr__?subject=__subject__&body=__text__'
9 </pre>
10 * [PINE]
11 * [Elm]
12 * [Gnus]
10 CraigBox 13
13 AristotlePagaltzis 14 !! [X11]
15 * [KMail]
16 * [Sylpheed]
17 * [Evolution]:
18 <pre>
19 evolution '~mailto:__addr__?subject=__subject__&attach=__filename__&body=__text__'
20 </pre>
21 * MozillaMail:
22 <pre>
23 mozilla -remote 'mailto(__addr1__, __addr2__)'
24 # or
25 mozilla '~mailto:__addr__?subject=__subject__&body=__text__'
26 </pre>
27 * MozillaThunderbird
10 CraigBox 28
13 AristotlePagaltzis 29 !! MicrosoftWindows
30 * OutlookExpress
31 * [Outlook]
32 * [Eudora]
10 CraigBox 33
13 AristotlePagaltzis 34 !! [MacOS]
35 * ~QuickMail
36 * OutlookExpress
37 * [Entourage]
38 * [Eudora]
39 * [Mail]
10 CraigBox 40
13 AristotlePagaltzis 41 !! WebMail
42 * SquirrelMail
43 * [IMP]
44 * Outlook Web Access