Annotated edit history of MMGR version 3 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 SamJansen 1 A malloc(3) debugger library written by Paul Nettle who writes for []. Quite useful and featureful, works well for both C and C++. A download link can be found [here|].
2 JohnMcPherson 3 It works on both WIN32 and gcc/unix platforms (although I had to comment out a line that did #include "stdafx.h", which appears to be some windows-specific header).
5 Basically, you include the mmgr.h header file after standard includes and before your own program's include headers, and then link against the mmgr.o. Running your executable will create a "memleaks.log" file in your current working directory.
7 ''I used MMGR in a medium sized C++ project; it was around 10,000 lines not including external libraries (of which there were many). It found all the memory leaks which were leading to quite a memory hungry program. This library might be an option for platforms [Valgrind] is not available on'' -- SamJansen