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A data structure used in programming to allow dynamic length lists allowing quick iteration, addition and subtraction from the list. Random access is not quick, however, requiring a search of the list. There are a few variants of LinkedLists: singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists and circular lists (which can be either singly or doubly linked).

A simple singly linked list in C++

template<class T> struct !LinkedListNode? {

T data;

LinkedListNode? *next;


LinkedLists work by each node merely pointing to the next node in the list, where the last node has a NullPointer. Doubly-linked lists have a previous pointer as well, allowing bi-directional iteration. A circular list has the last node pointing back to the first node. Adding and deleting nodes aren't terribly complex but require a little thinking; you need to store temporary pointers and do a little magic. Most higher level languages have linked list constructs. For example C++ has the STL, Java has a LinkedList in its class libraries. If you are coding C, however, you might have to write your own.

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