Annotated edit history of LameServer version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JamesBraid 1 A DNS server which is supposed to be authoritative for a zone, but isnt.
3 If you see something like this:
4 MikeBeattie 5 Aug 7 00:57:37 colo named[[827]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
1 JamesBraid 6
7 in your BIND logs, then BIND has queried a lame server. In this case, is mentioned as being authoritative somewhere for the zone, but when BIND queries it, it discovers that is not authoritative, and logs that message. The [SysAdmin] at the other end needs to get a clue and fix his DNS.
5 AndreiKoptev 8
6 AndreiKoptev 9 If you are an administrator and got tired from all these messages in your logs, you can easily disable this "lame server" logging once and for all. Just add the following directive in your /etc/named.conf (or whereever your named.conf is on your machine):
5 AndreiKoptev 10
6 AndreiKoptev 11 <pre>
5 AndreiKoptev 12 logging {
13 category lame-servers { null; };
15 };
6 AndreiKoptev 16 </pre>
5 AndreiKoptev 17
18 That's it.
1 JamesBraid 19
20 See the [Weekly Lame Delegation report|]
3 MikeBeattie 21
22 ----
23 CategoryDns