Annotated edit history of LaTeXNotes version 6 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 JamieCurtis 1 Notes on making the LaTeX markup language do what you want it to do.
4 JohnMcPherson 3 * use pdflatex(1) to create [PDF] files. See the [PdfLatexNotes] page for more.
4 ** alternately, you could use [LaTeXpdf] (which is a different method for making PDFs from LaTeX).
1 JamieCurtis 5 * [Here|] is a really good online HTML doc about LaTeX commands
2 StuartYeates 6
7 ----
9 Here is a command that lets you do different things with numbers depending on their magnitude.
4 JohnMcPherson 10 <verbatim>
11 \newcommand{\formatnumber}[[1]{
12 \ifnum#1=0 {\bf zero} \else
13 \ifnum#1<2 {\bf one} \else
14 {\bf two or more}\fi
15 \fi
16 }
17 </verbatim>
2 StuartYeates 18
5 JohnMcPherson 19 !! Error message - "Float(s) lost"
4 JohnMcPherson 20 <verbatim>
21 ! LaTeX Error: Float(s) lost.
23 See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
24 Type H <return> for immediate help.
25 ...
27 l.2085 \end{figure}
29 ?
30 [34]
32 ! LaTeX Error: This may be a LaTeX bug.
34 See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
35 Type H <return> for immediate help.
36 </verbatim>
38 I got this message when I had a figure at the start of a <tt>\subsection</tt> with no text before it. Moving the figure down a bit so that some text appeared before it in the input file fixed this.
5 JohnMcPherson 39
40 !!Relative Include (<tt>\input</tt>) Paths
41 See the LatexMakefiles page.
43 !!Arbitrary Angles
44 <verbatim>
45 \usepackage{rotating}
46 ...
47 \begin{turn}{90}%
48 vertical
49 \end{turn}
50 </verbatim>
51 see /usr/share/doc/tetex-''version''/latex/rotating/examples.tex if you have the tetex-doc package installed.
6 AlastairPorter 52
53 !!Putting text at the bottom of a page
54 <verbatim>
55 \newpage
56 \vspace*\fill
57 \begin{centering}
58 {\small \copyright{} 2005}
59 \end{centering}
60 </verbatim>
5 JohnMcPherson 61
62 ----
63 See also LatexWordcount.