Annotated edit history of LZW version 12, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
12 AristotlePagaltzis 1 An [Acronym] for __L__empel, __Z__iv, __W__elch.
3 ----
9 AristotlePagaltzis 5 !!! A brief history of LZ Compression
7 CraigBox 6
1 CraigBox 7 Back in the 70's, the amount of data that people wanted to store started outstripping the media that people had to store it on.
9 AristotlePagaltzis 9 Two computer scientists named A. __L__empel and J. __Z__iv published a paper called "A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression" in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, May 1977. This documented an [Algorithm] that was referred to subsequently as [LZ77 |].
1 CraigBox 10
7 CraigBox 11 The basis for the LZ series of algorithms is the building of a dictionary of common phrases in a file. Instead of outputting characters, phrase numbers in this dictionary can be output, achieving compression when you can output the number 1832 (10 bits) instead of the string "foobarbaz" (72 bits).
1 CraigBox 12
13 The decompressor needs nothing more than this sequence of output and a knowledge of how the dictionary is built to be able to built the dictionary itself, and therefore decompress the file.
7 CraigBox 15 LZ77 is a window based system: for each string that it compresses, it outputs an index back into to the input (go back N characters), a window size (copy these characters), and then first mismatching character.
1 CraigBox 16
9 AristotlePagaltzis 17 Then, in 1978, they came up with a better algorithm (dubbed [LZ78 |], that only required the compressor to output a phrase number and a mismatching character. The phrase extended with the mismatching character would then be added to the dictionary.
1 CraigBox 18
7 CraigBox 19 LZ77/78 encoding remained the de-facto standard for compression of data (along with some cool stuff like HuffmanCoding, that's how PKZIP works) until 1984, where Terry __W__elch published "A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression" in Computer magazine. He realised that with a dictionary that had all the possible characters in it already, you wouldn't have to output the mismatching character like in LZ78; you could output a phrase number that matched it. This algorithm is called __LZW encoding__ (Lempel, Ziv, Welch).
10 JohnMcPherson 20
21 LZW is (or was) covered by patents held by both Unisys and [IBM]; see the [Unisys] page for more on this. (IBM never made any attempt to enforce their "defensive patent".)
1 CraigBox 23
9 AristotlePagaltzis 24 !!! How it works
1 CraigBox 25
26 The algorithm is really quite simple, and will be described here.
6 CraigBox 27
9 AristotlePagaltzis 28 !! Compression
2 CraigBox 29
30 * Start with a dictionary that contains all possible characters.
31 * P refers to the previous phrase (initially empty).
32 * Read a character, C.
34 * Is the string P+C in the dictionary? (It is - P is empty so P+C = C)
7 CraigBox 35 * Output the code number for string C (C.num) to the LZW file
2 CraigBox 36 * Set the previous string P = C.
38 * While there are still character remaining
5 CraigBox 39 ** Read a character
40 ** Is the string P+C present in the dictionary?
2 CraigBox 41
7 CraigBox 42 *** If yes, set P to P+C and keep going (to make a longer string of matches)
5 CraigBox 43 *** If no,
7 CraigBox 44 #### output the code number for P (P.num) to the LZW file
5 CraigBox 45 #### add the string P+C to the dictionary
7 CraigBox 46 #### Set P = C
2 CraigBox 47
7 CraigBox 48 * (we have run out of characters) output the code word for the string P (P.num) to the LZW file and end.
2 CraigBox 49
6 CraigBox 50 You'll note that the first stage can be built into the while loop; I put it up the top to make it absolutely clear what to do.
9 AristotlePagaltzis 52 !! Decompression
6 CraigBox 53
54 * Add all the possible characters to the dictionary as in the compressor.
7 CraigBox 55 * Read a code C.num from the LZW file. As this is the first character that was compressed, it is one of the 'root' characters that were added to the dictionary in the first step.
6 CraigBox 56 * Output the character C.
57 * Set P (previous string) to C.
59 * While there are codes remaining in the LZW file
60 ** Read a code C.num
7 CraigBox 61 ** Is there a string C matching C.num in the dictionary?
6 CraigBox 62 *** If yes:
7 CraigBox 63 #### Output the string C to the LZW file
6 CraigBox 64 #### Add the string P+the first character of __C__ to the dictionary
65 *** If no:
66 #### Add the string P+the first character of __P__ to the dictionary
7 CraigBox 67 #### Output the string you just added to the LZW file
1 CraigBox 68
6 CraigBox 69 The second case looks a bit strange; it is basically the case where you have a repeating phrase in your input file, so the code number you output is the newest code you add to the dictionary. Therefore if you receive a number you haven't got yet, the next character must be the first character of the previous stream.
1 CraigBox 70
6 CraigBox 71 The easiest way to understand LZW is by looking at some examples. I won't reproduce them here, but you can find some (and a really good description of the algorithm) at
1 CraigBox 72
9 AristotlePagaltzis 73 ----
74 Part of CategoryAlgorithm
11 PhilHarper 75
76 anyone able to explain how LZMA ,used by 7z, compares?