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!! [LMTP] in /etc/services [Debian] doesn't have it by default, so add this to the bottom of /etc/services: <pre> lmtp 2003/tcp # Cyrus LMTP </pre> !! Running [Cyrus] LMTPd on a TCP port (for Exim) [Exim] requires a remote transport to do a callback, so you need to connect to a port, not a socket. Your transport should look like: <pre> cyrus_lmtp: driver = smtp protocol = lmtp hosts = your.host.name allow_localhost </pre> In /etc/cyrus.conf, uncomment the lmtp line, and change the command line from <tt>lmtpd</tt> to <tt>lmtpd -a</tt>. Copy that line, and bind it to your.host.name as well. __WARNING:__ this means anyone who can connect to your machine on 2003/tcp can deliver it mail. Firewall it. Test with <tt>exim4 -bhc ip.ad.re.ss</tt>. You cannot put <tt>hosts = localhost</tt>, else you will get: <verbatim> >>> accept: condition test deferred 451 Could not complete recipient verify callout LOG: H=(fosdf) [] F=<foosg@dsgsg> temporarily rejected RCPT sdgg@hs.net.nz: Could not complete recipient verify callout </verbatim> See [Cyrus IMAP at the Exim wiki|http://www.exim.org/eximwiki/CyrusImap]. !! Sample [LMTP] session Note that you can't put spaces after MAIL FROM:, and you need <>s: <verbatim> user@vienne:/# telnet localhost lmtp Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 220 vienne LMTP Cyrus v2.2.12-Debian-2.2.12-4ubuntu1 ready LHLO foo 250-vienne 250-8BITMIME 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-PIPELINING 250-SIZE 250-AUTH EXTERNAL 250 IGNOREQUOTA MAIL FROM:<from> 250 2.1.0 ok RCPT TO:<to> 550-Mailbox unknown. Either there is no mailbox associated with this 550-name or you do not have authorization to see it. 550 5.1.1 User unknown QUIT 221 2.0.0 bye </verbatim> !! Troubleshooting If you see: <verbatim> RCPT TO:<UserWithCaps@some.domain.com> 550-Mailbox unknown. Either there is no mailbox associated with this 550-name or you do not have authorization to see it. 550 5.1.1 User unknown </verbatim> but userwithcaps@some.domain.com works fine, you need to set <verbatim> lmtp_downcase_rcpt: true </verbatim> in your imapd.conf and restart cyrus. That is, assuming you don't want case sensitivity on your user mailboxes (and who would?). See also: * CyrusNotes ---- CategoryMailNotes
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